Cor Jesu College - Graduate School is now accepting enrollees!
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Why enrol in Cor Jesu College - Graduate School?

Enrolling in Cor Jesu College Graduate School provides various benefits that can greatly enrich your academic and professional journey:

Exceptional Education

The Graduate School of Cor Jesu College is well-known for its dedication to academic excellence. The professors are leaders in their fields, offering you a high-quality education and valuable guidance.


Thriving Community

By becoming a member of the Cor Jesu College Graduate School community, you will be surrounded by peers who share your passion for learning. This supportive atmosphere encourages teamwork, connections, and lasting friendship.

Comprehensive Growth

The graduate programs go beyond just academics, prioritizing holistic development. This means they nurture not only your intellect but also your personal and professional abilities. By the time you graduate, you’ll have a diverse set of skills that will prepare to succeed in a competitive job market.



Our graduate programs place a strong emphasis on research and innovation. This opens up many opportunities for you to conduct impactful research projects and contribute to the existing body of knowledge in your field. You’ll collaborate with respected faculty members on cutting-edge research endeavors.

Career Growth

Obtaining a graduate degree from Cor Jesu College Graduate School opens up numerous career opportunities and increases your marketability. Whether you aim to move up the corporate hierarchy, pursue a career in academia, or start your own business, our programs will give you the knowledge and skills necessary for success.

Values-driven Learning

At Cor Jesu College Graduate School, we prioritize values-driven learning inspired by the Spirituality of Jesus. Our students are encouraged to embody traits like integrity, service, and social responsibility. Along with receiving a high-quality education, you will also cultivate important life skills during your time here.

Cost-Effective Tuition

We know that money can be tight for students, so we work hard to keep our tuition fees reasonable while still providing an excellent education. We offer discounts on tuition fees to help all students access graduate programs more easily.

PAASCU Accredited

Master of Business Administration – Level II
Master of Public Administration – Level II
Master of Arts in Education – Level I
Master in Library and Information Science – Level I